Episode #1: I’m Becca! And I Dream Big!


Feb 20, 2018


Hey! I’m Becca Campbell, Your Pediatric Sleep Consultant. This is the Little Z Sleep Podcast! It’s Episode 1!

I want to take a few minutes to welcome you, encourage you, give your high-five and a hug and say… let’s resolve your child’s exhausting sleep habits! In case you want to know a little about me before we dive in… 

I haven’t always been a sleep consultant, but I have always loved sleep!

  • When I was little, I loved sleeping beauty.

  • When I was younger I didn’t even want to be rocked, I just wanted to go to bed

  • Flash forward to college, I would obsess and count every night I got 8 hours of sleep. In fact I did ONE all-nighter and it was TERRIBLE. Sleep has always been precious to me!

So, when we had our first daughter, we didn’t know what to do with ourselves, we were exhausted

  • Up multiple times throughout the night

  • We were both career parents working jobs, it was miserable every night not knowing what to expect hours on end

  • I was struggling, even with PPD, I didn’t understand, beating myself up,

  • Sleep is the foundation of help, and we just weren’t sleeping

  • We didn’t understand why baby wasn’t sleeping… see pictures and videos of sweet newborns sleeping snug on mom and dad, and we barely had any of that

  • Not only was it misery, it became extremely dangerous – share stories

  • Ended up working with a consultant after sitting down on google (like every exhausted parent) and typed “how do I get my baby to sleep” and became overwhelmed and things that promised a good night’s sleep

  • But I wanted help, after I tried and failed to do it myself. I’m so tired, I don’t know what I’m doing, I can’t teach myself

  • Sleep is not complex, but putting the pieces together often is

  • Some people understood my joy after success, others didn’t

  • Maybe that is you… you are so excited and now want to maintain that every night, or maybe you are tired and are just trying to survive

  • I don’t judge, my goal is to resolve and change the habits.


As we walk through this podcast together, that is the goal! Resolve your child’s exhausting sleep habits. Together! 

Biggest question I have for you: what do you want to see differently?

When I understand your goal and what you dream of, what you want to wave that magic wand over where you want to be, that is how I know I can help you. 

So often we are dreaming small. If you are up 1 times a night or 4 times a night, it doesn’t matter, you have an end goal of wanting to sleep well, and when parents are desperate for just 8 hours or 6 hours of sleep, I say great, we are going to do that, and I’m going to double it for you.

We are going for 12 hours a night

What I love is giving and providing them the tools to get this, and that is what my job is all about!


I work with kids from Day 1 to 7 Years old- and no matter the age it has everything to do with habits and guiding parents!


A few months back Daniel called me from the hospital. They just had their daughter Lilly and he did not want trial and error. He wanted to get it right the first time. 

While parenting istrail and error, but I don’t want your sleep story to be trial and error. That is why this podcast exists, to talk to you, teach you, and equip you with exactly what to do and how to do it and be able to provide you with solid sleep that lasts a lifetime 

That is my belief, when we resolve your child’s sleep, it is a gift that lasts a lifetime.

So I can be on the other side, flash forward 3 years, and my daughter is sleeping 12 hours every single night, and we have a second daughter, sharing a room, and even great naps (another story letter)

For now, spread the word to friends and sleep deprived moms that this podcast is for you!!!

Tune in every week with me as we walk through ways and strategies and stories to get your family the sleep that they deserve.

Sweet dreams & see you next time

Becca Campbell


Grab your FREE Guide: 4 Steps To Solve Nightwakings

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Music Composed by Chad Campbell

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