How to Become a Pediatric Sleep Consultant

All Ages

Aug 24, 2021

How do you become a Sleep Consultant? Is this a college program or a certification program? How long will this take and can you really make a living helping other people get sleep?

If you think you want to become a pediatric sleep consultant, I am going to share everything you need to know about becoming a sleep consultant for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers! We’ll cover how to become a Certified Sleep Consultant, what Certification Programs I recommend, what business trainings you might need and even a coupon code to help you get started!

I hope that you are watching this video because you are excited. You hopefully want to become a sleep consultant because you primarily want to help people. If you want to become a sleep consultant because you want to make a lot of money then you are probably not going to make it.

You have to have one driving factor… You want to help other people.

When I worked with a sleep consultant and my daughter Ellie began to sleep 12 hours all night long, I wanted to shout it out on the rooftops. It was an amazing feeling! I knew almost instantly I wanted to become a pediatric sleep consultant.

I want to help people and I love to sleep! If you want to help others get more sleep too, then you should definitely continue on in this blog and video.

Is there a degree to become a sleep consultant?

There is no degree to become a sleep consultant. But I’m often asked by older people what I majored in college to become a sleep consultant. I actually have a degree in elementary education, but you don’t even need a degree to become a sleep consultant. You need certification through a program.

None of your clients will ask you about your certification. They just want your help, but you do have to go through a training program so that you are equipped to fully help families with their wide range of situations!

You also have to be very well versed in all of the ins and outs of sleep. The really good thing about getting certified is it’s less of a time investment than going back to get another degree!

How to get certified as a sleep consultant

What certification program do I recommend?

I absolutely recommend the Cradle Coach Academy. I connected with Melissa Perry, the founder of the Cradle Coach Academy about two years ago. And I am absolutely blown away by everything that she offers. Her graduates are top-notch and know exactly what they’re doing. They’re competent and getting clients.

Additionally you can decide between the Accelerated Course (6 months access) or Lifetime Course (forever access to the materials)!

Melissa was kind enough to offer my subscribers a discount— if you want to join the cradle coach academy, click here and use code LITTLEZSLEEP to save $250 off of your entire course certification program.

What’s the next step after becoming certified? Are you worried about being a business owner? Is this actually going to make me money and be sustainable?

You are going to try a lot of things. With a real hunger of someone who wants to become a sleep consultant, you will be fueled by working with parents and solving their problems. You’re going to try and fail a lot. That’s the life of the entrepreneur.

I want you to know that if you have the desire to help tired parents, that’s going to serve you the most. It doesn’t matter if you are seriously interested and want to make a bunch of money. It’s beyond that—you are actually becoming a small business owner and need to take charge of your business.

How to run a profitable and sustainable sleep consulting business

As you become a sleep consultant, go ahead and start sharing about it. Don’t be shy! You might be worried if you fail— nobody is out there tallying up your failures and your successes. I promise!

As you begin to share about your work and build up your client base, ask the people that know you best about your work and if they are interested in your offers.

I remember asking my friends if I should become a sleep consultant? I asked my friends and many of them who were about to become moms encouraged me to become a sleep consultant. There will be some that doubt you and discourage you, but don’t let them stop you!

Sleep consulting is a relatively new field. It’s well recognized in Canada and other parts of the world, but here in the U.S., I feel like it’s not becoming the norm that moms don’t need to have it all together! They can reach out and get help, especially with sleep issues for their children.

Don’t let the naysayers get you down. You might need to get some thick skin, but if you’re passionate about helping new moms, then you can step into this journey to become a sleep consultant.

Once you are finished with your certification, you need to know how to market and sustain your business.  It is most likely the first time you’ve had a sleep business and it’s going to take years of experience and practice. But, what you do in the beginning matters! How do you think I can have a whole YouTube channel or courses about sleep training? Or The Sleep Sorority—our membership to help others with their journey to run a sleep consulting business?

When you step into this new role, as a small business owner and a certified sleep consultant, you can make this what you want. And I wish I had something like this when I was starting, but there is no rule book. You can make this business what you want! I actually coach over 150 sleep consultants inside The Sleep Sorority and I would love for you to follow us on Instagram or check out our website.

I am passionate about helping other sleep consultants grow their business that supports their families, gives them more freedom and helps them serve families wherever they are in their sleepless journey.


You do not need to have a degree to become a Pediatric Sleep Consultant. Instead, you’ll choose a Certification Program like The Cradle Coach Academy to learn how to help families get sleep.

Use code LITTLEZSLEEP to save $250 on your certification with The Cradle Coach Academy’s Pediatric Sleep program!

Becoming a Sleep Consultant is an incredibly rewarding job and if you love people, have a heart to serve and want to run a business that has a purpose…this is it!

Running a business is a completely different beast than Certification, and it’s why I started The Sleep Sorority! This is a Membership where we teach Sleep Consultants all over the world how to market themselves, create packages for their clients and grow their business. Plus, our community of 150+ Sleep Sisters is umatched! We truly care about hearing from you and encourage you to grow!


How to get certified as a pediatric sleep consultant | Little Z Sleep

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