Episode #92: “I Don’t Trust Anyone To Babysit” – Advice From A Grandmother


Jan 30, 2020

When polled about when the last date night was, it was almost like crickets. But then! When asked “What’s holding you back from getting a babysitter?” the flood gates opened! Hundreds of you said you’re struggling with trusting others to watch your child and can’t afford to hire a babysitter. These are big topics! And I actually didn’t feel 100% qualified to come and tell YOU how to manage it. So I called up my mom, the wisest person I know, and invited her on the show to talk through it!

We talk through these replies:

“I don’t trust anyone with my child but me.”

“I’m afraid if I’m not there to micromanage my baby’s needs won’t be met.”

“We just moved to a new country and don’t know anyone.”

“It’s expensive to have a babysitter.”


Free Babysitter Checklist!

Sleep Training Programs

“Girly” – the nickname for our clock that changes colors, ours is not longer made, but I linked the one I recommend!

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