Episode #47: Nap Transition- From 2 to 1 @ 12-14 Months


Jan 25, 2019

Wondering when it’s time to make the change from 2 to 1 nap? If your baby is between 12-14 months old, it could be time!!

In this episode Becca will walk you through:

  • Signs that point to needing to drop the second nap

  • How to move Nap 1 to mid-day

  • Ideal timing for the 1 nap

  • How long to expect it for

  • When to choose a car or stroller nap in the afternoon

  • Dealing with over tiredness during the transition

This episode is heavy on the numbers, so scroll down to download Becca’s 1-Nap Schedule Screen Grab!!

*Don’t have a 1 year old who sleeps independently and through the night? Get started on your Baby Sleep E-Coaching™Program right away!*

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  1. Celina Rice says:

    So when we are first transitioning- say first 6 days about… Should there always be a short emergency nap built in to help make it to 6:30? It seems like even if they sleep 10-12 getting to 6:30 will be rough!

    • Becca Campbell says:

      In those early days, there may be times you could need a quick on the go nap to power through until the early bedtime. I wouldn’t choose a crib nap, but rather a stroller/car for a quick power nap (15-20 min)!

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