Episode #49: How To Choose A Sleep Consultant


Feb 8, 2019

Choosing a Sleep Consultant is a big deal! You’re inviting them into your home (literally or virtually!) to change your family’s sleep situation. While in many part of the world, having a Sleep Consultant is very normal…here in the United States it’s still “Wait, that’s a thing?” YES! We can help your child sleep! Who wouldn’t want that?!

In this episode Becca shares 3 ways you can know if a certain Sleep Consultant is right for you, and 3 things that you need to do to see success with them!

  1. Find Your Preference:Looking for someone to come into your home? Prefer to work virtually? CIO? No-Cry Sleep? Or somewhere in the middle? There are so many different ways you can engage in sleep training, so just spend some time getting to know what’s out there!

  2. Know Their Personality:You’re about to get really intimate with this person! For a few weeks we’ll be coaching you through the emotional rollercoaster that is sleep training, and you’ll want to make sure you like the person coaching you! Before you begin any 1:1 coaching, hop on the phone with the Consultant and make sure you like their personality and they make you feel comfortable (never judging you!).

  3. Are They Practical For Your Family:Does your little one have a medical condition they need to know about? Ask if they’ve ever worked with this before, and see if they are willing to lean + grow by working with you. What abut their cost? While a good night sleep is actually priceless, don’t ever hire cheap help- and know what you’re getting with your investment!

Want to know more about Becca? READ HERE!Or, listen to more Podcast episodes!

Finally, when you commit to working with a consultant, please be mindful of these 3 things:

  1. Be committed.Don’t go off sticking your nose in other strategies or consultants or blogs. Trust the person you’ve decided to work with!

  2. Be honest.I always want my clients to share what they are thinking and feeling, otherwise I can’t help them fully!! We’re all a team, so keep your consultant in the loop on how you’re doing emotionally during this process.

  3. Be nice.The golden rule, right? Treat others as you would wish to be treated. It’s easy to be rude when you’re not seeing results. But being honest about your frustrations is the nice way- being rude about things won’t get you far! Just be nice to the person who is working their butt off to help you!

Want to know more about working with Becca?

>>Sleep Courses(0 – 3 years)

>>One-On-One Coaching(4 months – 5 years)

>>Follow on Instagram(see more personality!)

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