Realistic At Home Activities To Do With Your Child During Quarantine

0-15 weeks

Mar 20, 2020

Those color-coded schedules are EVERYWHERE! But what about your baby who doesn’t understand a schedule? The other day I asked my Facebook audience to share 1 activity they did with their child that day. And ya’ll!! These are so simple and realistic at home activities perfect for children 0-3 years old!

  1. Rice or bean sensory bin
  2. Wash rocks with bowls of soapy water
  3. FaceTime family
  4. Make an indoor slide with couch cushions
  5. Tickle time
  6. Read books in a fort
  7. Cincinnati Zoo Facebook Live Home Safari
  8. Play outside
  9. Practice gross motor skills  (crawling, standing and walking, etc.)
  10. Cut flowers from garden and make a floral bouquet
  11. Paint stamps from potatoes
  12. Listen to music
  13. Play in the bath
  14. Play basketball
  15. Kinetic sand
  16. Play Doh
  17. Build a fort and get out flashlights for pretend camping
  18. Color a picture to mail to a grandparent
  19. CosmicKids Yoga
  20. Make musical instruments with tissue boxes and rubber bands or tupperware containers and dried beans or rice
  21. Bubbles
  22. Outdoor movie night
  23. Explore kitchen cooking utensils
  24. Paint inside a ziplock bag
  25. Sit in cardboard box and color the walls
  26. Take a walk 
  27. Water beads in a bag
  28. Bake treats 
  29. Water table outside
  30. Tummy time in a different room of the house
  31. Look at family picture albums
  32. Indoor races
  33. Make Busy Toddler Bubble Foam
  34. Chalk messages on driveway for neighbors
  35. Blocks
  36. Make silly faces in a mirror
  37. Have a backyard picnic
  38. Dance parties
  39. Indoor sports
  40. Tie ballon to feet

What else can we add to the list? Comment below with how you’re keeping your babies and toddlers entertained while we’re all hanging at home!

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