What do I do when my baby falls asleep in the car? Don't stress. I have a few tips!


Have you ever been driving home for your baby’s nap and they fall asleep in the car?! One of the questions I get asked ALL the time as a pediatric sleep consultant is this: What do I do when my baby falls asleep in the car? Today I’ll walk through what exactly to do if […]

How to shift your child's bedtime later| Little Z Sleep


Are you looking to move your child’s bedtime from 7PM to 8PM? How can you shift a bedtime for a baby or toddler later to enjoy more evening time? In this blog and video we’ll share what an ideal bedtime and routine looks like for your child and how we can shift a bedtime later […]


Looking for the best blackout curtains for the nursery it can be a difficult hunt! Finding the right blackout solution for your child’s room can be tricky since there are so many options! In this blog I am going to give you my four top blackout solutions for your child’s room, starting with like you’ve […]

Is your baby taking short naps? Here are 4 checks to solve short naps!


We’ve all been there – you put your baby to sleep for their nap and you’re happy to finally have time to hash out some work or clean up the house or maybe just take a break for an hour and a half. But then… like clockwork, 29 minutes later or 30 minutes or even […]

Why your toddler is rejecting naps is the ultimate question. Are you tired and looking for reprieve? I have 4 reasons that your toddler might be rejecting their naps.


If you have a toddler who is not napping – they’re rejecting their naps or they’re treating it like play time in their crib – I have 4 reasons that this might be happening and today I’m going to tell you all about it and give you the strategies on how to improve naps starting […]

2 different strategies for getting sleep back on track after traveling!


You just had an amazing vacation!!! Maybe you’re headed home and you’re like.. I need to get back to my sleep expectations! It’s time to get back to schedules and routines and real life. Today I’m giving you my 2 strategies on getting sleep back on track after you’re home from your vacation. You’ve had […]

How do you handle travel day with your baby? How do you handle the naps in the car or the airplane?


So you have an amazing vacation planned, or maybe you’re just stepping out of town for a few days, and you may be wondering… How do you handle the travel day with your baby?! How do you handle naps when you’re in the car or on the plane for a while?  What will the routines […]

When you’re traveling with your baby, it can seem like you have to pack your entire house! And I get it! Gone are the days where you can just carelessly throw a few items in your bag and head out the door.


When you’re traveling with baby, it can seem like you have to pack your entire house! And I get it! Gone are the days where you can just carelessly throw a few items in your bag and head out the door.  Now you have a huge list of what to pack for your baby when […]

What does “drowsy but awake” even mean? Can you even be drowsy but awake? Why are these two concepts just not matching?


What does “drowsy but awake” even mean? Can you even be drowsy but awake? Why are these two concepts just not matching? Why can’t you get them to work when the rest of the baby world and sleep world and Instagram world insists it’s best? In my world, “drowsy but awake” is not real and […]

Did you know that by 13 months old there should be NO bottles in your baby’s life?! I’m going to walk through the 2 ways to transition off the bottle and why this may be causing problems in your baby’s sleep.


Did you know that by 13 months old there should be NO bottles in your baby’s life?! If that sounds just a little bit scary, in this video, I’m going to walk through the 2 ways & 2 paths you can choose to transition off the bottle and why this is causing problems in their […]


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