What does “drowsy but awake” even mean? Can you even be drowsy but awake? Why are these two concepts just not matching?


What does “drowsy but awake” even mean? Can you even be drowsy but awake? Why are these two concepts just not matching? Why can’t you get them to work when the rest of the baby world and sleep world and Instagram world insists it’s best? In my world, “drowsy but awake” is not real and […]

Did you know that by 13 months old there should be NO bottles in your baby’s life?! I’m going to walk through the 2 ways to transition off the bottle and why this may be causing problems in your baby’s sleep.


Did you know that by 13 months old there should be NO bottles in your baby’s life?! If that sounds just a little bit scary, in this video, I’m going to walk through the 2 ways & 2 paths you can choose to transition off the bottle and why this is causing problems in their […]


On Sunday, March 10, 2024, clocks change! We are going FORWARD one hour starting at 2AM! But how do you adjust sleep schedules for babies and toddlers with this time change? Thankfully, this time change isn’t as brutal as the fall change! It’s going to feel pretty blissful to wake at 7AM…the old 6AM! In fact, […]


Do you have a VERY cranky baby and you’re like Oh no, poor thing! You’re teething! We’re in chaos right now! What if I told you that teething should NOT disrupt sleep? This is a very big stance I’ve always taken here at Little Z’s. In this video I’m going to lay it out on […]

Baby receiving vaccines


Have you ever noticed that your baby turns into a cranky, clingy monster after getting vaccines? Or, perhaps you’ve noticed that when your baby gets their vaccines, their sleep is greatly disrupted. Whatever the case may be, vaccines have likely caused you at one point to wonder, “Is this normal?” In this video and podcast […]

Toddler sleeping


It’s no secret that the Cry It Out (CIO) Method is an extremely polarizing topic. I have always been known for my straightforward, “no fluff” content and that is something I developed after being a third and a fifth grade teacher. As an elementary teacher, you have one very small opportunity to capture your students’ […]

How to Prevent the New Sibling Sleep Regression


Are you welcoming a baby soon and wondering if adding a new sibling to the family is going to cause a sleep regression for your older child or children? Maybe you’re having your second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth child or beyond.  Maybe you are having a baby or you’re adopting a baby! Whatever number or […]

How to Stop Pacifier Use


Pacifier use is a hot topic when it comes to babies and toddlers. Especially when it comes to sleeping. If you have a baby or a toddler you might be wondering, “How and when do I stop using the pacifier?” Or maybe you know in your heart of hearts that it’s time to stop using […]

Mom putting her newborn down in their crib for a nap


It’s no secret that your child’s ideal awake windows and daily schedule highly depends on their age. In fact, age-appropriate wake windows are FOUNDATIONAL to your child’s ever evolving nap schedule. But when it comes to wake windows, sometimes it can feel like there is a mysterious, magical rule when it comes to honoring them! Do you begin the wake window when your child’s eyes open? Or when they begin dozing in and out of sleep? Or when you get them out of their crib? 

toddler sleeping during the crib to bed transition


The crib to bed transition is a HUGE and exciting milestone for your child! Although it’s a big transition, you don’t have to be intimidated by it! You can make the crib to bed transition a success for you and your preschooler by…


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