Can you sleep train a 3 month old? If suddenly sleep has gone from great to awful with your 3 month old, you are likely tempted to start the sleep training journey with them…yesterday!
Sleep around the 3 month old mark can start to rapidly decline, so you may be wondering how to sleep train a 3 month old and curious if it’s okay to start sleep training now!
If you are a parent struggling with your baby’s sleep routine around the three-month mark, you’re not alone! This transitional period can be challenging as your baby starts experiencing changes in their sleep cycles.
Around the 12-14 week mark you start to feel like you don’t identify with the newborn stage, but somehow your baby seems too young to be considered older than that?
It can be a tricky time but in this blog I want to share advice on how to navigate this stage and successfully begin sleep training even before your baby hits 16 weeks.
Babies around three to four months old often experience what is commonly known as the four month sleep regression. This period is marked by frequent night wakings, which can be exhausting for both the baby and the parents.
There seems to be confusion around this age: how can you sleep train if a baby is going through a regression?
The good news is that you can still sleep train during this age and make sleep a thing!
In fact, this is the optimal time to sleep train as baby is only maturing in their sleep and learning independent sleep skills will be incredibly beneficial!
The main reason behind the current decline in your 3-4 month old’s sleep is the maturation of your baby’s sleep cycles, transitioning from the erratic newborn patterns to more structured cycles similar to adults.
If you have a baby who is 14-16 weeks you may want to understand more about their upcoming schedule change, in which I’ve outlined their entire four-month old schedule for you here.
Absolutely, yes! You can sleep train at 3 months old, you don’t have to wait until your baby is 16 weeks old to start sleep training.
If your baby is around three months old and you’re finding naps, bedtime and night sleep is extremely challenging, you can begin sleep training.
However, sleep training at this age means we need to check on some essential steps before proceeding.
Sleep training helps your baby learn to self-soothe and go back to sleep independently. This is essential as your baby transitions through different sleep cycles! Instead of relying on external props like pacifiers, bottles, or rocking, sleep training empowers your baby to manage their sleep more effectively, leading to more sleep at night for both your baby and you!
If you’re new to the world of sleep training and have questions about harmful impacts and what to think about sleep training for your family, this read by Dr. Emily Oster of ParentData is a top resource to fully understand what Sleep Training is all about.
Are you ready to sleep train your 3 month old? Want step by step directions to make sleep a thing?
At Little Z’s Sleep we offer our Baby Sleep Training Course that guides you through each step of the sleep training journey.
Whether you prefer a downloadable plan or a complete course with audio coaching, we have options to suit your needs!
Our plans are designed to deliver results within three to four nights, with a two-week schedule to ensure long-term success.
Additionally for this awkward three-month old age we’ve put together our Newborn & Baby Bundle that provides everything you need to know about newborn sleep with the Newborn Sleep Course plus our Baby Sleep Training Course to give you the step by step plan for sleep training!
You can sleep train a 3 month old if you are ready to finally make sleep a thing! Before beginning the Baby Sleep Training Course please go through the following checklist:
Starting sleep training at three months can be a game-changer for your family’s sleep routine. By following these guidelines, you can help your baby transition smoothly through this developmental stage and ensure everyone gets the rest they need.
Keep sleep a thing on vacation with the Little Z's Travel Guide!