When to Start Being More Aware of Your Baby’s Nap Schedule & Location: A Complete Guide

4-16 months

Jul 18, 2024

When should you become more aware of following baby’s nap schedule and where they sleep? Do you have a baby between 0-6 months old and wondering when your baby’s nap schedule should be taken “seriously”? Don’t babies just sleep a lot in the first few months? 

In today’s blog, I’m answering a question from Paige in Saskatchewan, Canada:

“What age do you start being more aware of naps and their location?”

Paige’s question highlights the importance of being aware of naps from the beginning because understanding when and where to focus on naps helps you create a more peaceful sleep environment for your baby. Let’s discuss! 


The Importance of Baby’s Nap Schedules from Birth

From the moment your baby is born, naps play a crucial role in their development. When my first daughter came along I was desperate for someone to give me me a baby nap schedule I could use as a guide! You can learn more about my story here!

The truth is: Newborns typically sleep a lot! But the baby’s nap schedule changes frequently in these first 6 months!

You’ll notice transitions from 5 to 6 naps a day as a newborn to 2 to 3 naps by six months. 

It’s a good idea to to track your baby’s wake windows during this time, as too much or too little awake time between naps can affect the quality of their daytime sleep. And too much/too little daytime sleep can lead to nighttime struggles.

So really, from Day 1 we want to be aware of offering naps at the best time for baby.

You can easily stay on track of these ever changing schedules with our Complete Schedule Guide!


Following Wake Windows for Baby’s Nap Schedule

Let’s take a quick view of what baby’s nap schedule might look like from 0-5 months old.

For babies up to 5 months old, focus on wake windows rather than a strict schedule. You can learn more about what wake windows are here!

0-3 Month Baby: Babies at this age have wake windows that are between 45 minutes and 75 minutes

4 Month Old Baby: Babies at this age have wake windows that are between 1 hour 30 minutes and 1 hour and 45 minutes.

5 Month Old Baby: Babies at this age have wake windows that are between 2 hours and 2 hours 30 minutes.

These windows may seem really short- and they are! But remember that a well-rested baby during the day will sleep better at night!

Unlike to some outdated advice, keeping your baby awake during the day will not help them sleep at night.

the importance of baby's nap schedule


Transitioning to a Two-Nap Schedule for Baby

At around 6 to 7 months old, your baby will likely move to a two-nap schedule.

This transition simplifies your routine, as you can now focus on timed naps rather than wake windows. (Yes! Finally a schedule!!!)

Aim for consistent nap times, such as 9 AM and 2:30 PM. This predictability makes tracking naps easier and ensures your baby gets the rest they need.

In this blog I go through the steps you’ll need to follow to help your baby’s nap schedule transition from 3 to 2 naps!


Naps in the Crib vs. On-the-Go

A baby’s nap schedule from 0-6 months old has a LOT of sleep! Let me help ease your mind and say that not ALL of these have to happen in the crib!

The goal is to aim for 50% of your baby’s naps to take place in the crib.

If you’re reading this with a newborn who is 0-2 months old, they need a LOT of sleep! So, even getting one nap in the crib is a win!

Need help getting your baby’s naps to happen in the crib? See this blog for more help!


Key Takeaways for Baby’s Nap Schedules

  • Newborns sleep a lot, even during the day!
  • Your newborn will transition from 5-6 naps per day to 2-3 naps per day by six months old
  • Age appropriate wake windows are a key component for quality naps! Remember, keeping a baby up all night does NOT help them sleep better at night
  • Once your baby reaches 6-7 months old, you will focus more on timed naps vs. wake windows (Yes! Finally a schedule!!!)
  • Aim for about 50% or more of your baby’s naps to take place in their crib where the best sleep environment is offered

Looking for a more detailed breakdown of nap schedules for your baby?

what is my baby's sleep schedule

Check out the Complete Schedule Guide! This guide provides comprehensive schedules for every age, helping you navigate nap transitions smoothly each step of the way!

when to be aware of baby's nap schedule

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