Swim Safety For Kids & Families

All Ages

May 6, 2021


Summer is coming, and all the memories of pool days, beach vacations and more! But before we get there, let’s check in with Holly Choi of Safe Beginnings to review:

  • Swim gear: lifejackets, puddle jumpers, floats, etc
  • Swim lessons: when to begin
  • Pool fence: regular builder or specific pool fence

Holly (@safebeginnings) is a nationally-certified first aid instructor focused on the infant and toddler years, and an active child injury prevention advocate. As a mom of two young children (ages 2 + 4), Holly lives with the same challenges all parents face keeping their children safe on a daily basis. Using Instagram, Holly provides practical tips and advice to help parents and caregivers prevent injury for the little ones in their lives through informative posts, stories, live broadcasts and online courses.

Visit Safe Beginnings Website for more!

Let’s also *ENJOY* the summer without the sleep deprivation! Use my free 4 Steps To Solve Nightwakings Guide to get started!

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