Making solid friends in the world of moms is…hard! We’re all hungry for relationships yet there’s really not much when it comes to growing in our friendships.
In this episode we unpack how to make friendships a priority, even in the middle of a pandemic.
This is one to savor and share!!! Thank you Danielle for joining me on this episode!
Danielle Bayard Jackson is an author, speaker, and certified friendship coach dedicated to teaching women how to create and maintain meaningful female friendships. She has been featured in NBC News for her expertise, and she has been quoted in several other media outlets including Psychology Today and Insider.
As the founder of Friend Forward, Danielle uses her research and insight to show women how to improve their connections with each other. Her book, Give it a Rest: The Case for Tough Love Friendship, outlines her framework for creating platonic intimacy through difficult conversations, and it has been shared in several women’s media outlets. Danielle shares her insight weekly on The Friend Forward Podcast, answering women’s most pressing questions about navigating conflict in female friendships.
Danielle is a member of the American Sociological Association, and she studies the latest research in the areas of social science to create practical ways for women to better understand each other when operating in positions of leadership, friendship, and mentorship.
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