I’m a mom of two young daughters who sleep all night. I spend every evening after the girls go to bed with my husband (and business partner), Chad, and enjoy going on monthly date nights! I start every morning just the way I like it: quiet time, coffee, and calm. Before I began this consulting journey that has helped thousands of families resolve exhausting sleep habits, I was a fifth grade science teacher! Now I teach YOU how to make sleep a thing!
We talk a lot about getting your child to sleep and how to help them. But what about Y-O-U…MOM!!!!!! In today’s podcast I’m talking with Alison Boden, Registered Dietician Nutritionist of Nourishing Radiance to discuss insomnia in postpartum mothers. We talk through strategies to help you sleep better, and discuss how even a bedtime routine for YOU. could be the link to calmer rest.